Monday, June 3, 2013

Like a true Nature's child



RabidAlien said...

Ahhh, Steppenwolf! Too bad Youtube is blocked at work. Guess I'll have to play the soundtrack in my noggin (I hate the echoes it picks up inside there).

hiswiserangel said...

Rabid, I meant to ask if your voices harmonize and if they know all the words...

RabidAlien said...

Nah, nobody harmonizes at all. They can't carry a tune worth a crap.

On a related note, the offspring (4 year old) was watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse last night, courtesy of was an episode about some Mickey Mouse Road Rally (that mouse has to be the most insecure or egotistical bastard ever...EVERYTHING is named after him!), where "everyone's a winner!" Yeah, I nearly choked on spaghetti when they announced that. But the worst part, the song that they sang as they got ready for the "rally"? Huggy-feely lyrics, but the tune was DEFINITELY "Born To Be Wild". My braincell shut down after that, I don't recall the rest of the evening.